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                                                                          The digital artworks of Cornè Theron

                                                                                shown in a separate catalogue.

                                                                                          – JUST CLICK HERE –
                                                                        Die digitalen Kunstwerke von Cornè Theron
                                                                              zu sehen in einem separaten Katalog.

                                                                                    – KLICKEN SIE EINFACH HIER –

                Cornè Theron was born in Worcester  and control,” explains Cornè. “I                    series of digital works that follow
                in the Western Cape in 1974. She            experiment with different types of          the artistic style of her pixelated
                matriculated in Bloemfontein                glass as filters to create my images. I     paintings.

                and went on to study law at the             enjoy exploring the fact that our eyes  In the meantime, her digital artworks
                University of the Orange Free State,        are not developed to see underwater,        are an established 2nd line of her
                graduating in 1997 with an LLB,             so the images are blurred. I use water  work and the Swimmer Girls are
                after which she married and moved           as a metaphor for our subconscious          hugely popular.
                to Swellendam. She lived on a wine          and I am very attracted by exploring

                farm in the Breedekloof where she           the ‘Blue Space’. A neuropsychiatrist       2023 Cornè Theron held her 2nd
                had her studio as the art filled her        friend of mine calls the subconscious  international solo exhibition called
                life. In 2019 the the artist moved          our stored memory.                          AQUA at the Hallenbad Ost in the

                together with her family to France to                                                   Documenta City Kassel (Germany).
                gain international experience and to        Most of our reactions stem from our  This multimedia exhibition in the
                grow her art career on a far bigger         ‘programming’. I am fascinated by           former indoor swimming pool was
                international level.                        the way we mostly react towards each  celebrated by visitors and media alike.
                                                            other without first logically thinking

                After school Theron practised as            about it and reasoning about it. The
                a conveyancer for two years but             sources of our influence and the
                resigned to explore other areas of          way it impacts us, in terms of our

                self-expression. She started taking art  individuality and the way we relate to
                classes and subsequently participated       each other, motivate my work” the              The portfolio of
                in two group exhibitions and hosted         artist adds.
                several private exhibitions. She was                                                       Cornè Theron starts on
                chosen as one of 10 artists for the         Cornè Theron is an established artist          page 101

                Fresh Talent exhibition held by the         who has gained lots of positive
                Crouse Art Gallery.                         comments and her art is respected
                Theron describes herself as a               and bought by collectors worldwide.

                contemporary neo-optical artist.            In 2020 Theron hosted her first
                In her abstract figures, she often          international solo exhibition titled
                portrays images of women who find           AMA and within one week the body
                themselves underwater. “I examine           of works was sold out.
                our reactions to environments that          At an exhibition in Hamburg 2021

                are foreign to our natural abilities        Theron successfully launched a

 The Travelling Art Gallery
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