Richie Madyira
Richie Madyira was born in 1989 in Harare, Zimbabwe where he graduated with a diploma from the National Gallery of Zimbabwe Visual Arts Studio 2007.
At a young age, he often experienced how conflicts would arise in his family due to religious disputes against traditional rituals. This has affected his perception of faith and religion and is often emphasised in his artworks. His paintings are very colourful and as he calls himself a painter, he enjoys painting predominantly figurative. His colour choice doesn’t fully represent the real world but creates happiness and harmony.
His work is mainly rooted in his lived experiences and being an immigrant himself, he creates a storytelling of living conditions of poorer communities and its people. He wants to give people the necessary hope and courage to free themselves from situations that derail progress.
His themes are the hardship he experienced himself from childhood, the things he senses and perceives and the things he still goes through as a young man living his life.
Madyira now lives in South Africa where he explores and discovers his art and where he pursues his full time job as an artist.